Then she called me a 'half done mum', haha, gotta love family.
Well it's true, I have totally neglected this blog for the last few weeks. One of those weeks we were away on a holiday, that turned into a spew and poo convention (I think we all got Rota Virus - ick); and well the rest of that time, i think i've just been sulking about having gone on holidays and been so sick that it really wasn't restful or reviving at all.
Anyway, i'm over it now and I am getting all amped up about Christmas and my kiddies birthday party that is coming up. So You should be hearing more from me in the near future. But as i write this I can't help but look up and see the half sewn pillow, with it's stuffing overflowing, sitting on the couch across from me and think, we'll see.
Shall i admit to you how long this pillow has looked like this??? <clears throat and shamefully says> about 4 years. Not good.
Oh well. Chin up. Maybe it will get some love tomorrow - haha, but don't hold your breath.
x k.